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The Learning Academy

The initial brief here was to work closely with the architectural team as learning and development design consultant, offering advice and making suggestions in an L&D capacity, converting this leased space to a permanently branded full-service Learning Academy. The scope of which was in itself wide-reaching: requesting structural changes, sourcing furnishings and fabrics, commissioning outside landscaping and IT surveys. 


The role progressed, commissioning new wifi, 'smart' software training for inhouse team, product range displays, ​writing copy for wall art and company messaging, sourcing external furnishings and perimeter fencing.


Additional learning resources were installed from Idea Paint to magnetic glassboards, mobile notice and pin boards.  Beyond traditional learning there was a zen garden, mapped walks, outdoor play items,  music and artwork featuring QR codes for 'learning on the go'.


All operational procedures were reviewed: working with partners, food and beverage offer, maintenance agreements, new booking policies, procedures, feedback, revenue streams, reporting back to stakeholders.

People say...


Colette "provided expert knowledge of training and development environments ", she "clearly understood the needs of the delegates"..."to deliver an environment that was fit for the future training needs of a large corporation ..."

To see more feedback on the Academy click here.

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